about Manx Tri Club

Since its inception in 1991, the club has been dedicated to empowering triathletes and aspiring athletes on the island through world-class training and unforgettable events.


Entries are now open for individuals and teams for the 1886 Sprint Triathlon which is taking place on 11th May 2025!

Our Mission & Vision

To be an open, accessible and friendly multisport club helping competitors at all levels (from first timer to professional) to achieve their goals through the organisation of professional organised local events (according to British Triathlon Federation standards) and offering the assistance, guidance of a well experienced committee and triathlon community.

Manx Tri Club Membership

Membership of the Club provides the following benefits:

You will see listed below the benefits of being a member. We have secured a number of benefits/offers from local businesses who have always supported, and been friends of MTC over the years.

  • Guaranteed entry including entry fee to solo event of May Triathlon on 11th May 2025 – exclusive to premium members only
  • Reduced membership to British Triathlon (currently £11 discount for Core Adult and Ultimate Adult for 2025)
  • Subsidised Manx Tri Club kit
  • Reduced entry fees to Manx Tri Club events
  • Preferential access to Manx Tri Club Training Sessions, activities, and get togethers
  • 10% discount on food at 1886  
  • 10% deduction on purchases from Up & Running Isle of Man
  • 10% deduction on bike fittings with Watts Up Performance
  • Steampacket club travel concession 2025 (request forms from manxtriclub@outlook.com)  Annual application for covering of travel expenses through Support for Sport Isle of Man (terms apply – applications made at the end of each membership year – further details to follow)
  • Members Loyalty Card Scheme with Bikestyle Isle of Man (further details to follow)
  • 10% deduction on a block of 10 PT sessions booked with Manx Health & Fitness – Personal Training & Coaching
  • 10% off Zone3 non-sale products from www.zone3.com (with product code that MTC provide)
  • 10% off physio sessions with PSM Sports Injury & Rehabilitation Clinic (Port St Mary and Douglas based)
  • 20% discount with LG Coaching (Online Triathlon Coaching) Lesley Gray


As in previous years, we have three categories of membership which run from 01 January to 31 December 2025:


(Includes auto entry to May solo sprint triathlon)



Why Join Manx Tri Club?

As well as the benefits of membership listed. through joining the Manx Tri Club you are entering a community of like minded athletes who will help each other to cross the finish line (no matter what)!  With the support of our members Manx Tri Club can continue to organise events and help and guide triathletes on and off the Island.  Within the committee and local community we have a team of British Triathlon Certified Coaches available for training triathletes and triathletes-to-be of all ages.

Events hosted by the club in collaboration with 1886

This is an event for Children between the ages of 8 – 14 which is held at the National Sports Centre (NSC) in Douglas.

This is held at Ramsey Swimming Pool in early May.

This is an Open Water Swim – Run held at the Mooragh Park in Ramsey. A great introduction to a multi-discipline event, open for anyone 11+

A fast and furious triathlon team relay, which takes place in and around Mooragh Park. A great fun way to tackle your first triathlon. 

This is an Open Water Swim Triathlon held at the Mooragh Park in Ramsey usually in the first week of September. Sprint and Standard races take place simultaneously.

Triathlon Distances

Distances do vary according to event and course, but these are normal distances associated with these events.

Swim:             750m (equal to 30 lengths of a 25m pool)

Cycle:             20kms

Run:                5kms

Min Age:        15yrs

Swim:             1500m (usually held in Open Water)

Cycle:             40kms

Run:                10kms

Min Age:        17yrs

Swim:             1900m

Cycle:             90km

Run:                21km

Swim:             2.4 miles

Cycle:             112 miles

Run:                26.2 miles

Junior Triathlon Distances


50m (2 lengths)























Club Sponsors