Upcoming Events for 2025:

  • 1886 Junior Triathlon – Entries opening soon!
  • 1886 May Sprint Triathlon – Entries opening soon!
  • 1886 Aquathlon  
  • 1886 Super Sprint Relay Triathlon
  • 1886 Triathlon Championships

CalendAr of Events

1886 Junior Triathlon 

April 12th 2025 - National Sports Centre (NSC)

Taking place at the NSC, this event is perfect for budding young triathletes. 

Age range is from 8-14 (age as of 31st December 2025) with difference distances of swim, bike & run per age group. 

The emphasis is on fun and for kids to get involved so is a non-timed event. 

The swim takes place in the pool, followed by a cycle around the perimeter cycle track and finishes with a run around the track.  

Great for youngsters to get involved in a traffic free environment and experience what it is to be a triathlete.

*** Race Start Time: 10.00am ***
Type of Event
Swim, Run & Cycle


1886 Aquathlon

June 14th 2025 - Mooragh Park

Swim – Run

The race is open to both Solo and Team competitors
entries will open closer to the event
Race Start Time:  TBC
Type of Event
Swim, Run & Cycle


Links & Course Maps

1886 Triathlon Championships

Sunday 7th September 2025 - Mooragh Park
Set in the beautiful surroundings of the Mooragh Park in Ramsey, the Isle of Man Triathlon Championships offer the opportunity to race over both Sprint & Standard distances.  The lake is shallow and therefore ideal for those new to open water swimming and to first time triathletes.  The bike course is mildly undulating and the run course is pan flat.  

The facilities at the event include electronic timing and results, changing rooms, hot showers, and refreshments. 

The cycle and run courses are the same for both distances.  Sprint Cycle = 1 lap    Standard Cycle = 2 laps      Sprint Run = 2 laps      Standard Run = 4 laps

The minimum age for the sprint race is 15 and for the standard distance 17 on 31st December, in the year of competition. It would be great to have more younger competitors taking part.

Entries: https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?elid=Y&event_id=13772


***  Race Start Time: 9.30 am ***
Type of Event
Swim, Run & Cycle


Links & Course Maps
Standard Distance 1500m Swim Course 

Cycle Course       

Run Course

Sprint Distance 750m Swim Course    


Transition Diagram here   

1886 May Sprint Triathlon

May 11th 2025 - Ramsey Swimming Pool

This has become a triathlon weekend with an individual race and relay on Sunday.

An ideal race for novice and first timers to have a go without the added anxiety of open water swimming. The minimum age for competitors is 15 in the year of competition. For the experienced it a good gauge of how their form is at the start of the season.

Sunday is an opportunity to get a team together of friends or colleagues without having to do all 3 disciplines. The emphasis is on taking part and having fun.

*** Race Start Time: 9.00am ***
Type of Event
Swim, Run & Cycle


1886 Super Sprint Relay Triathlon

July 27th 2025 - Mooragh Park

Manx Tri Club are incredibly excited to announce entries are open for our brand new event on TBC 2025 the 1886 Super Sprint Relay Triathlon Relay!!!

Event to run as follows:

Teams of 3 competing, all of whom will1complete a triathlon at the following distances (handing over to their teammates on completion)

400 metre swim (Mooragh Park Lake)

6km bike (Mooragh Promenade)

2.2 km run (around the lake)

Entries can be made either:

  1. As a team of 3 competitors
  2. As an individual (and we will allocate you a team). If you have a preference to compete with another entrant we can allow for this.

The ethos of this event is very much not about who can go the quickest (though do feel free to go quick as you can!) but to get as many people involved in an accessible and friendly event

Full details on event set up, maps, arrangements on the day etc etc to be posted closer to the time….

Please share, get your friends/colleagues/etc involved in what promises to be a fantastic spectacle of a morning for competitors and spectators alike!!!

A huge thank you to our sponsor 1886 | 6 Regent Street who without their generous support we would not be able to put this event on

Entries: https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?elid=Y&event_id=13361

*** Race Start Time: 09.30am ***
Type of Event
Swim, Run & Cycle


Links & Course Maps
Supersprint relay details TBC